What is 5G Technology?

You may have heard the term 5G being thrown around lately. If you are a bit confused, don’t worry, we’ll give you a quick overview. 5G represents the fifth generation mobile network, meaning the way our cell phones communicate with each other and the internet. 5G is going to be a major step up from what most of us currently use: 4G. 5G has the potential to not only interconnect people, but to interconnect and manipulate objects, machines, and devices, that we currently cannot. The performance and efficiency increases will be huge when 5G is adopted, and enabling new user experiences and contact with different industries.


5G’s Benefits

5G is going to be such a major step it, it is essentially a new network. It will not only enhance the world’s mobile broadband experiences, but it will enable connections with previous unconnected devices, objects, and networks. For example, you may be able to control a number of objects around your home such as your refrigerator, sink, and lights via your phone, and they will be able to communicate to each other. The performance and efficiency improvements will be enormous. Qualcomm even asserts that 5G’s power will be as transformative as the automobile and electricity.


Studies predict 5G’s full economic benefit won’t be fully realized until 2035, and it’s widespread benefits could produce up to $12 trillion worth of goods and services. Companies that directly support the 5G network, such as phone manufacturers, content creators, telephone companies, app developers, and consumers, could generate $3.5 trillion alone in revenue, and support 22 million new jobs.


Where will 5G Be Used?

Here are some of the specific areas that will be take advantage of 5G:

  • Enhanced mobile networks – Not only will our smartphones operate faster than ever, but it will enable new virtual and augmented reality experiences. Data costs and latency will also go down, but if your device isn’t 5G compatible, don’t go throwing it out in a cheap dumpster rental yet! There may be some value to selling your phone, check online for some prices, or see what they are going for on Craigslist.


  • Internet of Things – 5G will allow manufacturers to embed massive amounts of sensors into all kinds of devices, permitting data rates to plummet, and for devices to communicate to each other in new ways.


  • Rapid Communication – 5G will enable low-latency, high broadband data communication in high-impact industries, such as transportation, medicine, and the military.


  • Forward Compatibility – Since this technology is just being rolled out, we still don’t fully know the impact it will have on our economy, and our world. It’s likely that there are many benefits that we don’t yet realize.


5G Summary

5G is going to provide much faster data transfers that 4G, with speeds of up to 20gb/s. That’s like download an entire movie in only a few seconds. But besides being fast, the 5G network will have a massive increase in network capacity, and less latency, allowing new devices to connect to the network, and improving communication times between all devices. The expected benefits of 5G are huge, and there will likely be more that we don’t even know about to expect.
